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How could we conceptualize the universe of gamification?
I believe there are two ways to do it:
1. with domain names (from an initial corpus of 440,212 dot-com names with the sequence *GAM* inside)
2. with corpus analysis (from a corpus of 54 targeted blog posts totalizing 47,083 words, with an average of about 872 words by post)
Then you can mix the outcomes and obtain the following 17 common key concepts:
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1. Domain names
The goal is to find main key concepts about gamification, by assuming that if gamification is your core business, you'll want to identify a relevant dot-com domain, www.gamification.com for instance!
So what if gamification.com is not available - and surely it is not - but you want to keep your creative path with a generic name (here I don't talk about trademarks and brands)?
Then the main way to define a compelling domain name, especially if you want to optimize your ranking in SERPs amid the GAMING world (which is very crowded in dot-coms as we'll see later), is to sort the best combination of other related keywords (adjectives, nouns or even numbers) in order to associate them with your core concept.
That means if one is able to access the Verisign dot-com's zone file, updated each day (which totalized almost 100 million domains by December 2011), it's possible to extract all relevant names and analyze them.
Now the good news is that I get access to this file, so I extracted all dot-com names containing the sequence GAM: 440,212 names, of which 82.58% (363,519 names) contain the sequence GAME (317,380 = 72.1%), and GAMI (46,139 = 10.48 %), from which I removed all those with GAMING inside (36,152 = 78.35% of the *GAMI*) and kept only the sequence GAMIF (540 names = 5.4%), then isolating *GAMIFI* (263 names, including 170 GAMIFICATION and 40 GAMIFIED), and *GAMIFY* (154 names), to finally obtain a file of 417 relevant dot-com names (analysis performed on the Verisign file updated January 3, 2012).
Once you get the final file, you eliminate from it all the words *GAMIFICATION*, *GAMIFIED*, *GAMIFY*, and look at the remaining terms.
Here is the semantic cloud of the 70 key concepts with two or more occurrences in the 417 names:
Anyway, it's interesting to point out that the first key concept associated to Gamification in this file is ... LIFE!
Maybe a clue than gamification of businesses and virtual worlds is creating an expectation among people in the real-life interactions?
Maybe a clue than gamification of businesses and virtual worlds is creating an expectation among people in the real-life interactions?
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2. Corpus analysis
I tracked the keyword "gamification" on Twitter yesterday (January 06, 2012), and I came out with 54 blog posts (mainly) talking about this subject, of which you'll find respective URLs at the bottom of this post.
Then I gathered all posts in one single text file (globally 47,083 words) to be processed for a statistical analysis, and I wondered which word would have been the most quoted, except for GAMIFICATION (466 times), GAME (408), GAMES (266) and GAMING (139).
Well, the winner is SOCIAL! (quoted 217 times), first one of 70 nouns with 25 occurrences or more each. Here is the table:
The only two brands quoted are Facebook and Foursquare! Regarding the presence of Bogost (Ian) and Cow, it's due to the quite long post by New York editor Jason Tanz, recently published on Wired and present in the sample.
Now, mixing the two outcomes (dot-com file + blog posts corpus), the final result is a common ground of 17 key concepts mainly associated to gamification:
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Anyway, it's also interesting to have a look to the differences between the other 53 terms of each outcome (alphabetic order):
Such a complementarity!
Now, next time you'll read something about gamification, try to compare the main concepts expressed by who is writing with this Gamification's Conceptual Universe, and most probably, it is likely that you'll find the key concepts you're reading listed above. But if it's not the case, or if you think I've forgotten some important terms in this post, please let me know about that!
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1. 2011 Was Big For Gamification – 2012 Should Be HUGE
January 2, 2012 By James Hicks
2. Enterprise Gamification: How Gamification will Make the Social, Collaborative Dream a Reality
By Josh Greenbaum on January 5, 2012
3. Cloud HCM and the Rypple effect
Posted by Stuart Lauchlan on Fri, 06/01/2012
4. Can Gaming Change Education?
By Meris Stansbury, December 9th, 2009
quoted by Ian Jukes / Jan 6, 2012
5. Research Summary: Demystifying Enterprise Gamification For Business
Published on December 7, 2011 by R "Ray" Wang
6. Gartner Says By 2015, More Than 50 Percent of Organizations That Manage Innovation Processes Will Gamify Those Processes
Analysts Explore the Role of Enterprise Architects in Gamification at Gartner Enterprise Architecture Summit 2011, May 9-10, London, and June 22-23 in San Diego
Egham, UK, April 12, 2011—
7. The next trend in social media? Real life gamification.
8. Gamification: This is not a term I’d like to see banned…
Published on Wednesday, Dec. 28, 2011 by Dennis Howlett
9. Gamification’s Three Disciplines
December 7th, 2011 / GabeZ
10. Why Did We Look The Other Way on Competition, Gamification?
Haydn Shaughnessy, Contributor @ Forbes
TECH | 12/14/2011 @ 5:14AM
11. 7 Gamification Predictions for 2012
Written by Mario Herger Wednesday, 28 December 2011 20:09
January 5th, 2012 by Toby Beresford
13. Gamification
Posted December 29, 2011 by Curt Finch
14. How Brands Should Use Social Gaming to Drive Engagement?
White paper on social games, by Adam Archer
DECEMBER 06, 2011
15. Foursquare’s claim to fame, the check-in, could become its downfall
December 29, 2011 | Jennifer Van Grove
16. Using Social Media and Gamification
posted 12/28/11 by Nate DaPore
17. Gamification in Education: Should We Play?
Posted 8/23/11 12:59 PM ET by Daniel Donahoo
18. Careverge Says It’s the First HIPAA-Compliant Social Network
posted JANUARY 5, 2012 AT 8:51 AM PT by Liz Gannes
19. Stop Texting While Driving With Gamification
Posted 1/4/12 05:59 PM ET by Gabe Zichermann
& Slideshare...
20. Gamification, Virtual Worlds and The Gartner Hype Cycle
Posted on 15. Dec, 2011 by karlkapp in 3D worlds, Games
21. 2011 Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies
Tim Finin, 6:23am 24 August 2011
22. The Curse of Cow Clicker: How a Cheeky Satire Became a Videogame Hit
By Jason Tanz
December 20, 2011 | * Wired January 2012
23. Understanding Games: Gamification, Game Mechanics, Game Design
Posted January 4, 2012 by Rick Liebling
24. Gamification of the Intranet
January 5, 2012 | ellisa
25. Enterprise 3.0: Moving From Engagement to Participation Through Gamification
By Corinne Schmid (@itzcorinne) Feb 23, 2011
26. Gaming Business or Gamification of Business?
By Jacob Morgan (@jacobm) Jan 24, 2011
27. Revolutionizing Work Design Through Smarter Gamification
By Blake Landau (@blakelandau) Jan 24, 2011
28. Small Business: Gamification and You
by KEN on JANUARY 4, 2012
29. Gamification in Education 2012
DECEMBER 30, 2011 by Ilona Buchem
30. The purpose of gamification
by Gabe Zichermann | @gzicherm | 26 April 2011
31. Is Gamification The Right, Best Name?
Posted Jul 26th, 2011 by Rick Liebling
32. Project Noah Gamifies all that Nature has to Offer
December 14th, 2011 Jeff Lopez
33. 10 Gamification Predictions for 2012
Posted on December 30, 2011 by Kris Duggan
34. Gamification and CES: Ford Gets the Ball Rolling
Posted on January 3, 2012 by Carrie
35. Yes, Gamification Can Help Your Business Internally
Posted by TJ Keitt on January 3, 2012
January 4th, 2012 by Rajat Paharia
37. The Great Gamification Debate: What is Gamification, What is it Good For, and Why Does it Matter?
Posted by Knowlton Thomas on Thu, January 5, 2012 4:00 PM
38. 4 ways brands use social games on Facebook
Posted January 5th, 2012 in Articles by Eko S
39. Weight Watchers' new game – a tough diet pill to swallow
Simon Parkin
guardian.co.uk, Thu 5 Jan 2012 11.46 GMT
40. Every Startup CEO Should Understand Gamification [INFOGRAPHIC]
by Jason Keath on 04.01.2012
41. Get Ready For Gamification: Announcing Cisco Social Rewards
December 22, 2011 at 4:24 pm PST
Deanna Govoni
42. The Six Rules of Gamification
November 29th, 2011 GabeZ
43. Enterprise Gamification: How Gamification will Make the Social, Collaborative Dream a Reality
Posted on January 5, 2012 by JoshEAC
44. Healthcare Takes It Up A Level On Gaming
by Matt Wise, Dec 30, 2011, 8:36 AM
45. Gamification in 2012!
6 JAN 2012
46. Level-up life: how gaming can enhance your reality
04 January 2012 by Sally Adee
47. Do You Play On Social Media Sites? Do You Contribute? Are You "Workin" It All the Time?
6 JAN 2012
jmacofearth @ 7:24 am
48. Gamification
Bing Gordon, partner at Kleiner Perkins, talking about the importance of Gamification.
49. DeanBeat: Game companies raised a record-breaking $1.54B in 2011
January 6, 2012 | Dean Takahashi
50. Work is a Serious Game
Byron Reeves
51. Will Call Center Gamification Increase Productivity?
November 11, 2011 by Rich Tehrani
& Slideshare...
52. My prediction for 2012 and beyond: gamification of the entire social web
2012/01/04/ by alistercameron
53. Is Gamification Right for Your Business? 7 Things to Consider
December 24, 2011 by Erica Swallow
54. Gamification: In Defense of a Buzzword
2011/12/12 Joey Strawn
Have a good read!
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